

Did you know that washing machines cause 35% of microplastic pollution in our oceans? Crazy, right? But here's the cool part: PLANETCARE 2.0, a clever little filter, changes the game. We can attach it to our washing machine, and it captures all the water after each cycle, just like sorting recyclables from kitchen waste. No more microplastics in the water!

It's DIY-friendly, takes just 10 minutes to install, and captures up to 98% of microfibers, both natural and synthetic, without using electricity. When it's full, a red ring pops out, indicating it's time for a new one, easy peasy. It ships individual orders of filters and cartridges worldwide. But what's even better is that if you're in the EU and the UK, you can join their subscription and send the old filters back to PLANETCARE. They reuse 95% and recycle the rest.